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(Article reprinted from the Geek AI Newsletter)

A few months back a story went viral about how a female influencer (with over 1.8M followers on Snapchat) turned herself into an AI. The result?

Her fans were able to “chat” with her for $1 per minute, allowing her to make a stunning $72,000 in one week. Shortly after, a company from Spain announced their (highly sensual) AI-influencer – Aitana Lopez – was selling shout-outs and sponsored posts to the tune of $11,000 per month.

Admittedly, these are two of the most dramatic stories to hit news headlines since AI went viral last year. At the same time, they’re proof that – after decades of anticipation – the era of humans interacting with AIs has finally arrived.

On the surface, most people’s reactions to the idea of a man having an AI girlfriend fall somewhere between the idea of him being a nerd, and him being the most desperate loser on planet earth.

(No offense if that’s you, but that seems to be the consensus nowadays.)

At the same time, in the 2000s (and even early 2010s), people said the same thing about online dating.

While some of you may not be old enough to remember, before we had apps like Tinder and Hinge, “online dating” was limited to websites like Match.com and Plenty of Fish (which people had to access via their desktops).

Source: Archive.org

Back then, searching for a partner online was looked at as taboo. Something for socially awkward “losers” who weren’t capable of meeting someone in real life.

Fast forward to today and anywhere from 40-70% of exclusive relationships start on an app (depending on the study). Which begs the question:

“While AI dating may be frowned upon today, could it be normalized over the next 20 years? And if so, what are the Pros and Cons?”

To shed some light on the issue, I asked Bard (Google’s AI) to act as a veteran anthropologist tasked with answering that very question.*

*The prompting strategy I used is one we will be discussing in our upcoming AI Beginner Bootcamp (including why I am now defaulting to using Bard instead of ChatGPT ; )

Here’s its response:

The Pros

  1. A Haven for the Underserved: Imagine men struggling with social anxieties – or living in remote areas – finally finding companionship and emotional support. AI girlfriends could provide a safe space for vulnerability, offering non-judgmental listening and tailored advice, helping to combat loneliness while improving mental well-being.
  2. The Evolution of Empathy: Critics fear AI relationships will numb men to real-world interactions. However, could these virtual partners act as training grounds for empathy? Learning to navigate AI emotions, from joy to simulated anger, could enhance men’s understanding of human emotions, translating into better communication and real-world relationships.
  3. Breaking Free from Societal Pressures: Traditional masculinity often dictates stoicism and emotional repression. AI companions, free from societal expectations, could encourage men to explore their emotional landscape, challenging toxic norms and potentially paving the way for healthier male-female relationships.

Ignoring social taboos, it’s my opinion our AI-powered anthropologist makes some valid arguments in favor of AI GFs.

Now let’s hear it’s opinion on the other side.

The Cons

  1. The Rise of Digital Dependency: Just like social media, the constant availability and emotional validation of AI girlfriends could create dependence, hindering the development of healthy coping mechanisms and real-world relationship skills. What happens when the algorithm can’t meet complex emotional needs, leading to increased isolation and depression?
  2. The Blurred Lines of Reality: Deep emotional attachment to AI could warp men’s perceptions of intimacy and relationships. The absence of real-world challenges and conflicts could breed unrealistic expectations and make genuine human connection seem difficult or undesirable.
  3. Societal Implications: Fragile Fabrics: Could widespread reliance on AI relationships impact birth rates, social interactions, and even family structures? The potential societal shift towards digital companionship raises concerns about decreased social cohesion and a fragmented human experience.

Once again, it makes some good points. My thoughts?

While I liked the arguments made on both sides, if we’re being honest, the potential downsides seem to outweigh the positives by 100-to-1.

Especially as it relates to increased isolation and depression, deep attachments, and AI GFs leading to “fragmented human experience” (which sounds dystopian and horrible).

With that said, if we’re drawing parallels, the sheer number of relationships that start via apps shows technology can be used to facilitate live, in-person interactions.

At the same time, many attribute the decline of the dating market to social media and dating apps in particular. And because of that, it’s impossible to say whether said apps have been a Net Positive or Net Negative for society.

Either way, the cat is out of the bag.

AI girlfriends, both of the platonic and sexual nature, are here to stay.

While no one understood it at the time, dating apps had a profound impact on modern mating rituals. And when it comes to AI romantic partners – for better or worse – we expect the long-term implications will be just as impactful.

💡Wrap Up: “The dance between humans and AI is just beginning, and the steps we take now will determine the rhythm of the future. While the allure of a perfect, ever-present companion is undeniable, we must tread cautiously, ensuring AI girlfriends compliment, but do not replace, the messy, beautiful tapestry of human connection.”

*Closing words from our trusty AI anthropologist  🙂

🤔Thought-Provoking Question: Would you test an AI GF or BF?

Interesting Tool ⚙️: Screw it, we’ve already drawn attention to the issue. Might as well link you to an AI Girlfriend website 🤣

*This is not an affiliate link. All I did was Google “AI Girlfriend” and copy-paste the first result. If this topic offends you, chill out. We do not condone or disprove any of this stuff. We’re just here to discuss the industry, and AI dating (and the business of selling AI partners) is part of this industry.

So . . . Is your brain okay with taking an A.I. Lover? That’s probably up to you and your brain, mind, body and spirit to decide.